Flax seeds, harvest 2008
Test results
№ Specification Test results
1 Color 12 Gardner
2 Humidity, not more % 15
3 Weed and oil impurity, total, % 4.2
4 Pests infestation Not found
5 Ricinus communis seeds Not found
6 Cadmium, mg/kg 0.1
7 Plumbum, mg/kg 0.057
8 Arsenic, mg/kg 0.063
9 Mercury, mg/kg <0.02
10 Aflatoxin B1, mg/kg <0.001
11 Hexachlorane, mg/kg <0.002
12 Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its metabolites, mg/kg <0.004
13 Oil content, % 37.2
14 Iodine[...]